Sabin Sărmaș
Member of the Romanian Parliament
Chairman of the IT&C Commission within the Chamber of Deputies
Mr. Sărmaș has developed his professional career in public and private organizations, always linked to the digital sector and the governance of the information and knowledge society. He is currently serving as member of the Romanian Parliament while acting as Chairman of the IT&C Commission within the Chamber of Deputies.
Mr. Sabin Sărmaș has been nominated Designated President to Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 of The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) by the Government of Romania.
Prior to these engagements, he was President of the National Authority for Digitalization between 2019 – 2021, being responsible for the coordination and implementation of national policies, strategies, and projects in the field of the information technology, communications, and digitalization of public services.
His cross-sector activities were also linked to the private sector, as software engineer and business developer within various companies located in the city of Cluj-Napoca. Therefore, Mr. Sărmaș has acknowledged and tackled the challenges of the sector from a multi-stakeholder perspective, becoming known as transformational and visionary expert.
Mr. Sabin Sărmaș graduated the Telecommunications Faculty within the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca as Diplomate Engineer, followed by academic fellowships at Vrije University of Brussels and Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (as PhD).