22nd Parliamentary
Intelligence-Security Forum
Bucharest, July 6-8

Robert Cazanciuc

Robert Cazanciuc

Vicepresident, Senate of Romania


Robert Cazanciuc has begun his professional career after graduating the Law University in Bucharest in 1995, the National Institute of Magistracy in 1996, followed by several training courses in and study visits to France,
Germany and the United States of America. In 27 years of public career, he has served in all 3 powers of the state: judicial, executive and legislative.

He started his activity as prosecutor, in charge of criminal investigations supervision, at the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Trial Court of Ilfov until 1998 when he accepted a new job to the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the
Supreme Court of Justice, for two years, as a prosecutor in the Press Office.

From 2020 he worked as a Chief Prosecutor and spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office and brought out the first media-relations guidebook of the Public Ministry in Romania.
During 2001 – 2004, Robert Cazanciuc was Director General and then Under-Secretary of State within the Prime Minister Control Department where he coordinated the team that drew up the Accord for Administrative Cooperation with OLAF (European Antifraud Office).

In 2004 he was appointed State Secretary at the Department for Programs Implementation and Structural Adjustment within he developed and promoted, in relationship with EU institutions, the action plans for the
implementation of Romania’s commitments. The Department monitored and checked the way World Bank – funded programs were implemented.

In 2005, Robert Cazanciuc became Deputy Director General with the National Administration of Penitentiaries.
During 2013–2015, while serving as Minister of Justice, the trust of the public and of the Euro- Atlantic partners in the act of justice increased, the 2 new codes – the Penal and the Penal Procedure one came in force, the biggest
and the most important investment processin justice infrastructure was started, including the Justice District in Bucharest as part of a functional reconversion and urban regeneration program.

The same period, Robert Cazanciuc launched a major mass education program of the citizens regarding the act of justice, especially among the young people by providing them a judicial education program. Meanwhile, Robert Cazanciuc developed a concept named “Justice for Business”– meaning specialized courts and judges in commercial procedures.

In 2009 Robert Cazanciuc was appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and worked there till 2013. In 2016 he was elected Senator in the Constituency no. 42 Bucharest, on behalf of the Social Democratic Party SDP, and in 2021, he was elected Senator in the Constituency 19 Giurgiu, also on behalf of SDP. Since then he was Chairman of the Committee on Legal Affairs (2017-2019) and current member and Member of the Committee on European Affairs (present).

In 2020 he was appointed Acting President of the Romanian Senate. As member of the Social Democratic Party,
Robert Cazanciuc is the Coordinator of the SDP Ethics Committee from 2020.