Brig. Gen. (r) Eduard Simion
Senior Associate Expert at New Strategy Center, Former NATO HUMINT Center of Excellence Commander and Former SACT Representative in EuropePublic Order and National Security, Romania
Born on 19th August 1968 in Bacau city, Romania, Brigadier General (ret.) SIMION graduated from “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Infantry Branch, in 1990. During his career he served as a paratrooper and later on, as a Military Intelligence officer as well as in International Relations domain, advancing hierarchy through all regular levels. SIMION, PhD was the officer with primary responsibility to establishing the NATO HUMINT Center of Excellence and he was appointed as the first NATO HUMINT COE Director in 2007. He served in this position until 2017. SIMION has extensive experience as operational commander and as Intelligence Staff Officer within NATO and coalition environments, at all levels, tactical operational and strategic, with deployments to KFOR HQ Pristina – 2000, OIF IRAQ, An Nassiryah – 2004 and ISAF HQ Kabul 2006. He participated in various activities, including leading positions in national, international and NATO exercises. From 2010 to 2017 SIMION was elected as Chairman of the NATO HUMINT TECHNOLOGY WORKING GROUP (NHTWG) and of the NATO HUMINT WORKING GROUP (NHWG). From 2017-2020 SIMION served as Supreme Allied Commander Representative in NATO HQ Brussels, including in full capacity of member in NATO Military Committee. Before retirement Brigadier General (ret.) SIMION served in Romanian MoD as Deputy Secretary of State for Defense Planning and International Relations. Presently he works as Security Studies professor associate at University of Oradea. He is also Senior Consultant to National Strategy Center Romania. He is a graduate of Bacau University in Foreign Languages, 2003. He holds a master degree in European Integration and Public Administration at University Lucian Blaga Sibiu 2017. He is also a PhD in Geopolitics at University of Oradea. His military education includes national career courses as well as NATO and International courses, being also a permanent lecturer invited to NATO School Oberammergau for several years. His latest military educational achievements are: High Level Course “Jean Monnet” at European Union – 2016, NATO Strategic Key Leader Course at NATO Defence College 2017, NATO Strategic Planning Course NATO School Oberammergau 2019. Brigadier General (ret.) SIMION personal awards and decorations include the Romanian “Military Virtue” in rank of officer, “Army Commendation Medal” – Iraq, “NATO ISAF Medal”, “OIF Medal” and the “NATO KFOR Medal”. He speaks English fluently and knows well Italian.